Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Lord of the Flies: Examine Goldings methods of writing in the last three paragraphs of Chapter Nine

The end of chapter 9 is very different to the rest of the novel, both in the style it is written and in what Golding is trying to portray about human nature. My first impressions of this extract are how different Golding's style of writing is; he is much more poetic, mythical way â€Å"the clear water mirrored the clear sky†. The rest of the novel is written in much more of a matter-of-fact style, through the eyes of one of the other boys, however still in third person. The way he uses adjectives such as â€Å"inaudible† create a sense of calmness and silence, which is a harsh contrast to the killing scene just before â€Å"the noise was unendurable†. This is perhaps to represent the calm, quiet spirituality of Simon's nature, and show how he is a million miles away from the other boys, who made so much noise. It could also represent the fact that Simon is now alone, both physically and metaphorically as he is the only one who knows the truth. Golding also creates an almost superhuman element to Simon, making Simon godlike or giving him the air of a Saint; â€Å"†¦dressed Simon's course hair with brightness†. This is interesting as it is something he was made a point of not doing elsewhere in the novel. He has made a point of showing how fragile human nature is- â€Å"Ralph, cradling the conch, rocked to and fro†, here showing Ralph's emotional breakdown after participating in a murder, and shown the other boys to have regressed to become subhuman â€Å"savages†, in opposition to Simon becoming almost angelic. Throughout the novel Golding has also used the island as a microcosm of the ‘real world', and towards the end of the extract he goes against this idea and describes the world beyond in great detail â€Å"itself a silver shape beneath the steadfast constellations†. I think the fact he describes this in so much detail is important, he is clearly trying to make a point of it: the fact the death of Simon is such a huge human tragedy, but yet when compared to the enormity of the natural world it pales in insignificance. Even though the novel at first seems pessimistic, and hard to believe the author was a Christian, I disagree. When Golding writes â€Å"Simon's dead body moved out to sea†, I think he is showing that amongst all the injustices in the world, those with faith and spirituality (as I think Simon is meant to represent the spiritual aspect of human nature) will go to a better place away from the horror of the world. I think the novel perhaps has a subtle underlying Christian message. You can see throughout that Golding has been very crafting in how he uses techniques to explain the importance of Simon's death in the novel, and the important differences between Simon and the other boys, and the fact Simon has not turned savage. The language he has used to show this is not typical of the rest of the novel however the symbolism is.

Economic Factors in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire

â€Å"Economic Factors in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire† In this article taken from The Journal of Economic History, Peter Charanis discusses the factors that economically affected the decline of the Byzantine Empire. His discussion is based on the fact that past scholars, such as English historian Edward Gibbon who wrote The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, thought the Byzantine Empire was in a constant state of decline throughout its existence, but he disagrees. He says that more recent scholars have found that it was, in fact, one of the great empires in history.He references to historians such as Fridtjof Nansen, author of L’Armenie et le proche Orient, who said that the Byzantine culture â€Å"is and will remain one of the most remarkable works of architecture, and if the Byzantine culture had created nothing but that, it would be sufficient to classify it among the greatest. † Charanis is convinced that most scholars today reject G ibbon’s theory, and this article discusses why he believes so. Because the Byzantine Empire endured for over a thousand years and was the center of civilization until the middle of the eleventh century, it could not be looked at as a constantly declining empire.According to Charanis, it preserved antiquity, developed new forms of art, and held back barbarians. Byzantium produced great soldiers, statesmen, diplomats, reformers, and scholars. It was also successful at spreading the gospel among pagan tribes. Charanis quotes Czech historian F. Dvornik who wrote Les Slaves byzance et Rome au IX saying Byzantium â€Å"molded the undisciplined tribes and made nations out of them; it gave to them its religion and institutions, taught their princes how to govern, transmitted to them he very principles of civilation – writing and literature. â€Å"Byzantium was a great power and a great civilizing force,† Charanis said. He believed that war and religion were the two pri ncipal factors that molded the society of the empire and determined its external position. Because war was a normal state during Byzantium’s thousand year existence, war was not a reason to believe that it was constantly declining. For example, in the seventh century, the Sarcens, Slavs, and Bulgars reduced the empire greatly, but the seventh century emperors reorganized the administration of the empire to cope with the situation at hand.In the eleventh century however, the empire was not as fortunate to recover from certain military reverses that occurred. There were disastrous defeats that they never fully recovered from, and this is what finally led to the beginning of their decline. One very important factor, according to Charinis’ sources such as Russian historians’ books and works, were the conditions the Manzikerts left the empire in. It had such a huge impact on the social and economic life of the empire, and this was the basis of its virtual disappearan ce.Byzantium relied so fully on the social and economic aspect of their culture, that an attack to this was fatal. The Manzikert military aristocracy was far from what the Byzantines were accustomed to, and caused the soldiery-peasantry to decline which was a large part of their state. Up until this point, emperors were able to rework the empire and reorganize things so that Byzantium could thrive, but after their â€Å"large estate†, which had been a huge party of their society, was attacked, it was almost impossible.Charanis believes that the aristocracy that was put in place in the eleventh century was also another large factor of decline. Instead of being a social and economic based empire, it was a military aristocracy. The soldiers were the holders of the military estates, and the aristocracy absorbed the estates of the peasants. The focus of the emperors was the happiness of the soldiers and not of the peasants, or all the other people in the empire, and this was also a large source of decline in Byzantium.Once the emperors of the eleventh century realized that this system was not working quite as well, they tried to create an anti-military policy, which consummated a depression in soldiers. This entire struggle that occurred after the seventh century caused the empire to participate in a series of civil wars affected its sources and manpower, according the Charanis. Other serious factors that caused the decline were the weakening of the central administration, the failure to enforce measures of protection for the soldiery-peasantry, and the grants of privileges made to the aristocracy.It has been said that another reason for their decline was the strict controls they placed on commerce and industry, but Charanis disagrees and says it is extremely doubtful that this was their weakness. He backs up this argument by saying that when those controls were most strictly enforced, was when their empire was at its greatest. He goes on to say that the per iod of the greatest decline is marked by the breakdown of these controls.Tenth century Byzantine emperor Romanus Lecapenus wrote in one of his novels that the extension of power to the strong and the depression of power to the many would â€Å"bring about the irreparable loss of the public good. † Charanis agrees with him saying that â€Å"His prediction had come true. The disappearance of the free peasantry, the increase in the wealth, privileges, and power of the aristocracy, and the consequent depression of the agrarian population constitute, I think, some of the principal factors in the decline of the Byzantine Empire. †Charanis’ evidence is clearly all there and cited, but it is somewhat difficult to understand his references. They’re numbered at the bottom and his numbers are meant to further explain certain points throughout the article. Another problem I have with his evidence is that they are mostly books written by foreign authors, and I canâ₠¬â„¢t read the titles. I believe that Charanis has clearly proven his point and thoroughly discussed his thesis; however, his argument was not extremely bold, because he is arguing one historian’s theory (Edward Gibbon), and agreeing with every other historian who believes the Byzantine Empire was great.His argument was more fact-based, and proven through certain points of notoriety throughout the existence of the empire, and his presentation of these points seemed unorganized. In fact I found the organization of this article to be somewhat confusing. He seemed to jump around from century to century and fact to fact. I believe it would have been much more efficiently written if he had discussed the certain centuries of the empire in chronological order. This also would have more effectively shown the factors that led up to the decline of the Byzantine Empire.Instead he jumped around discussing things that related to the factors, but not thoroughly discussing what order the th ings happened and why one led to the next. Charanis did not raise new questions in his argument. He simply argued Gibbon’s theory, and used other historians to back his argument up. In fact, most of the historians that Charanis used as references were quite old, for example, Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian author from 1928. No recent authors or suggestions were raised from Charanis’ article.I think that overall this article offered some very thorough and credible information about the decline of the Byzantine Empire, but since his original argument was that Gibbon was wrong, he should have used more examples of historians that supported Gibbons theory and argued their points as well. Though he had many historians to back up his argument, his thesis mentioned Gibbon. He definitely proved his point and listed many factors that caused the decline of the Byzantine Empire, but I would have liked to see less confusing organization and newer information that supported his argume nt.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Effects of School Uniforms

1. Less peer pressure 2. Everybody†s equal 1. Harder to conceal 2. Less will try to conceal 1. Fewer clothes to buy 2. Competition with peers 1. Clothing vouchers 2. Business donations School uniforms in public schools are becoming increasingly popular across the nation. The public school system would benefit greatly if this policy were to be adopted. Opposition is always a factor when trying to make changes. Taking all things into consideration, the positive effects would be far greater than the negative effects. School uniforms should be required in public schools because their use would lead to higher education, less violence, and lower cost to parents. By requiring school uniforms in public schools, education will be improved. A dress code will enforce discipline toward learning. Uniforms improve a person†s outlook toward success. Students generally act the way they are dressed. With fewer distractions, students see the school as a workplace for teaching and learning. Students also have less stress in their lives because they are not in a fashion competition. Dress codes also lead to a change in grades. Mainly this happens because the student†s attendance comes up. There is also a change in grades because it is easier to focus when everyone looks alike. Another reason school uniforms should be required in public schools is that it causes less violence. There will be less peer pressure toward competition to distract the students from their studies. Everyone will be equal if the uniforms were to be required. The weapons factor will be cut down drastically by mandatory uniforms. The reason for this violence decrease is that weapons will be harder to conceal. If the weapons are harder to conceal, there will be less attempts to hide the weapons and fewer will be brought to our school or school functions. This brings about a change for the better, because it reduces social classes. Cost is another reason that school uniforms should be required in public schools. Critics complain that this policy is too costly; uniforms are actually more affordable. There are fewer clothes to buy because everyone will be dressed in similar clothing. There is no competition between peers to outdo each other. There are also ways to help low-income families with the cost. With community support for low-income families, in the form of donations, clothing vouchers, and support from the business partners of the communities, this problem can be overcome. The great number of thrift stores and uniform supply houses also reduce the cost for the clothing. These things combined can make it far less costly to purchase standard clothing than to meet the demand for designer clothing worn now. Chosen by each school, uniforms can provide students with a school identity. It can also strengthen school and individual spirit and pride. This is achieved in much the same way as an athletic team uniform builds team unity. The joining together by all students will also raise the morale and self-esteem of students. Students that are together in one mind lead to a school that is united. There are a lot of things to consider when making your decisions on how you feel about mandatory school uniforms. No one should jump to any conclusions without being fully informed. After gathering information on the pros and cons of the issue, then each person should think long and hard on the benefits of wearing school uniforms. These benefits far outweigh the disadvantages for the well to do and low-income alike.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Major differences between domestic business operations and Assignment

Major differences between domestic business operations and international business operations - Assignment Example Sanderson Farms, Inc. refers to an American national company that specializes in the production, processing, distribution, and marketing of poultry and other related food items. Started in 1955, the company has grown to become among the leading American companies that specialize in the food and supply industry (Sanderson Farms ®, n.d). the company competitive advantage is the ability to supply in all states in America. It has a huge local network due to the provision of natural products. The advantage of its operational scope is that domestic currency used for business operation. The local business regulations are clearly stipulated therefore no barrier to entry. However, global network distribution enhances the profitability, larger customer database and enhances the adaptation to technology to improve management of business. Shell refers to a multinational petroleum company formed in 1907. It has expanded its network of operation worldwide. Forbes has considered it as 11th ranked market influencer in performance (Shell ©, 2015). The scope of operation worldwide market therefore enhanced political affiliation with its Dutch for business consistency. Consequently, the market popularity and demand has enabled easier entry to global market. However, the currency fluctuation may affect the business profitability due to the volatility factors. Nevertheless, the large consumer network, economic productivity and technology advancement gives competitive advantage to the firm (Dunning,

Sunday, July 28, 2019


RIORDAN MANUFACTURING_ Ford & Toyota - Case Study Example Design elements of an effective employee relations program involve coach and counseling, analysis of employees concerns, effective communication and interaction strategies and performance management. In both companies, Ford and Toyota, these strategies play a crucial role allowing the companies to create positive climate and morale, maintain high productivity levels and effective performance (Mullins, 2004; Toyota Home Page, 2007; Ford Home Page, 2007). In both companies, the aim of coaching and counseling is to focus heavily on helping employees develop skills and abilities, and in the process provide the supervisor with an excellent opportunity to recognize workers for improved performance. If managers are to really succeed at coaching and counseling, they must be in close working relationships with their employees. The managing coach and counselor will almost continuously monitor employee performance in order to help the employee make appropriate performance adjustments (Mullins, 2004; Toyota Home Page, 2007; Ford Home Page, 2007). When workers see the nature of this relationship with the coach/counselor, they sense that performance is going to be measured and likely measured precisely. Employees expect praise for learning and performing well, an upgrading in task assignments as the coach /counselor spots improvement, and eventual freedom, or autonomy, at work as they prove themselves. The existence of a quality person serving i n a coach /counselor role relative to the worker helps convince the worker that performance improvement will not go unrecognized and, therefore, unrewarded. Employees concerns influence employee relations and require careful analysis of the companies' management. Fears and threats should be eliminated in order to improve corporate morale and performance. Job security really depends on employee performance, not on length of service or length of employment contract, for example. If employees and the organization are not productive, success for the organization will not be realized. Employees can be sensitized to the contingency relation between performance and organization survival by pointing out the numerous dramatic cases of organizations that have failed to boost worker productivity and performance, in light of growing competition, and have subsequently had to close their doors. Emphasis can be placed on the performance-job security link by granting long-term employment contracts, or such things as guaranteed annual income, only to those whose performance deserves these arrangements (Robbins, 2004). Effective communication and interaction ensures effective performance and high morale. In both companies, people are taught how to avoid feelings of inferiority and how to stand up for what they believe in. Communication and training almost invariably helps increase one's confidence level (Robbins, 2004). Self-image building can come in various forms, most of which are beyond the scope of this book--but may involve something relatively simple like getting workers to improve their physical appearance through better dress and grooming. The philosophy of Ford and Toyota is that employees must sense that performance pays off, that it will yield desired positive outcomes. The stronger the perceived correlation between performance and desired rewards (positive outcomes), the stronger the motivation. To sense a strong

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Science Meets Real Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Science Meets Real Life - Essay Example The 5 steps of the scientific method are then executed again. If the bulb glows in the second lamp then it is CONCLUDED that there has been a fault in the initial lamp that was lighted when the person reached home. But there could be a POSSIBLE ERROR here and that is that the lamp may not be plugged into the socket properly. Another subsequent query that may now arise is that whether the Initial lamp was fixed properly or not. This series of hypothetical testing continues unless the actual reasoning behind the nonfunctioning of the lamp is assessed. If the Fan is not running then it the hypothesis is accepted and it is affirmed that since the engine fan is not working that must be the reason behind the rapid heating up the car. However this can still not be affirmed that whether the fan itself is faulty or there is a fault in the electrical wiring connecting the fan to the engine. If he fan does not turn on when connected to the new battery terminals then it is ascertained that the reason for the non-functioning of the fan and thus heating up of the car was the burning out of the fan only. However, if the fan is functional then further analysis is required to assess that what is the actual reason behind the inoperability of the fan and the scientific methodology of figuring out the root cause by assessing one factor after the other unless a deductive conclusion is reached, continues. Science is a natural and indispensible option for humans to exercise. Even if life of the human beings is considered in its simplest of forms as it was in the primitive times, the applications of science in it remain there and are obvious. Thus it can very well be ascertained that human life and Science go hand in hand. Considering our daily routine we get benefitted with the applications of science round the clock. It doesn’t matter whether we are at work, are spending leisure time or are into slumber; science is applied into our

Friday, July 26, 2019

High Oil and Gas Prices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

High Oil and Gas Prices - Research Paper Example Global oil consumption has been another main reason (Millender-McDonald 1). China being one of the leading oil importing countries has added to the global oil demand by its continuous progress. The automobile industry in the United States has also added to the global oil consumption as it consumes around one-fourth of the total global oil. So is the case with US chemical industry (Liveris 1). The surge in oil demand has resulted because of low interest rates all over the world. Moreover, investors invest in oil business so as to minimize the risk of devaluation of their other businesses because when oil prices rise, the cost of all investments and businesses also rise (crack spread) which results in greater revenues and profits, and this makes the oil prices go up (Overdahl 3). Unfortunate events, like Hurrican Katrina and Rita, also caused oil prices to rise (Matthews 1). Jeffords, James M. â€Å"Clean Air Regulations and Natural Gas Prices.† Congressional Testimony,. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2006. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Liveris, Andrew. â€Å"Natural Gas Supply and Prices.† FDCH Congressional Testimony. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2005. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Matthews, Dan. â€Å"Mitigating Impact of High Gas Prices.† FDCH Congressional Testimony. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2005. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Millender-McDonald, Juanita. â€Å"Effect of High Natural Gas Prices on Small Businesses.† FDCH Congressional Testimony. MAS Ultra - School Edition, 2006. Web. 16 Sep 2011. . Overdahl, James A. (2005). â€Å"Rising gasoline Prices.† FDCH Congressional

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Analysis of Coca Cola International company Research Paper

Business Analysis of Coca Cola International company - Research Paper Example By 1896, Coca-Cola successfully spread across the American border to Canada, Hawaii and Mexico. It is a multi-billion dollar company which is operating in more than 200 countries and offering more than 3,500 beverages. It is recognized as the world`s best known brand and has the world`s largest distribution network. Its products are the most widely known and most commonly used in the entire world. It has such a widespread network that the consumers enjoy Coca-Cola’s products at a rate of more than 300 million servings per day. It has subsidiaries and franchises in every country where it is operating. Coca-Cola is also the leading cola drink in the beverage industry throughout the world (Coca-Cola Company, n.d.). The mission of Coca-Cola is to create value for all the shareholders, customers and stakeholder by creating superior value and making profitable relations with the customers as well. Their mission is to â€Å"To refresh the inspire moments of optimism and h appiness... and to create value and make a difference.† They try to refresh the world by using the advantage that they have as being the world’s largest beverage company. Coca-Cola develops high quality beverages, which itself creates value for the company and helps strengthen its image, contributing to its overall success. Their vision is to work on every aspect of their company in order to achieve sustainable growth. The primary stakeholders of Coca-Cola include employees, customers, partners, society, shareholders and the company itself. They believe that in order to be successful, they must look ahead and plan for the future, using the resources in the most efficient way. Its product, satisfied customers, excellent leadership and, most importantly, a strong brand name further contribute to the overall success of this company (â€Å"Mission, Vision & Values†, n.d.) Porter`s five forces are a set of forces formulated by Michael E. Porter who proposed that strat egies of any company are formulated based on the threat of potential entrants and substitute products, the bargaining power of both buyers and sellers prevailing in the market, as well as the level of rivalry among competitors (Daft & Lane, 2009, p. 196). The amount of capital required by any soft drink company is really high, which acts as a barrier to entry for new entrants. Also, Coca-Cola has such a strong brand name with a huge amount spent on selling and promotion. In order to maintain its market share, Coca-Cola will have to spend a huge amount on advertising to ensure that its message is being carried forward to its customers all over the world. This is also one of the ways through which this company can compete with its rival companies, especially Pepsi. Coca-Cola and Pepsi dominate the soft drink industry and therefore, Coco-Cola will have to come up with new ideas in order to compete effectively and maintain its position in the market. The pricing done by this company wil l also depend on the type of market, whether it is customer oriented or seller oriented. SWOT Analysis: Strengths: The biggest strength that Coca-Cola has is its Coke itself. It has been able to maintain its original taste for years and this is the reason why its customers are always loyal. It has the strongest brand across the globe with a brand equity of over $50 billion. The quality and taste are the major strengths of Coca-Cola and one of the reasons for its overall success. In order to main

People are more knowledgeable today and therefore have more Essay

People are more knowledgeable today and therefore have more opportunities and choices than they had in the past, do you agree - Essay Example Due to change people now have more opportunities and choices than they had in the past. In society knowledge is produced and disseminated; knowledge has caused change in society making a development in various institutions in society, a good example is the development of medicine, there has been a shift from traditional cure to scientific discovery of medicine to cure various illnesses, there has been increased knowledge in that people can now self diagnosis, improvement in over the years, in the example given the example on a patient who is ill in the year 2000 BC the medicine will come from a certain tree or root, in the year 1000 AD the patient would be asked to recite a certain prayer, in the year 1850 AD the patient would be advised to drink a certain potion and lately in the world we are in today the patient will be asked to take a certain pill. Therefore in the world we are today we can say we are in a better position than we were in the past. Still in the medicine part, today we are in a position to choose from various medicines to cure certain illnesses, there is also the development of health institutions which is now improved to offer better health care and the training of doctors has led to development of educational institutions to train the doctors. All these have led to creation of more and complex institutions which have led to creation of more opportunities and choices. Religious knowledge is defined as knowledge based on beliefs, over the years this knowledge has been passed on to many people in the world, these is made possible by the development of science, the bible is now published and available to all unlike in the past, the improvement of modes of communication especially the mass media has made it easier for the dissemination of these knowledge. There are now many churches and denominations and people have now many choices, the improvement of this institution over the years. The emergence of religious leaders and increased belief in religion has led to change in society leading to a better society despite critics by Karl Marx that religion was an institution that legitimized capitalism and that religion led to a state of false consciousness. An improvement in environmental conservation knowledge has led to development of environmental conservation movements and institutions to improve on environmental degradation. In the past environmental degradation was not accounted for but in the present times there has been increased efforts to improve and conserve the environment, pollution has increased over the years due to improvement in science on sources of energy especially fossil fuels, in the present there is increased knowledge on environmental degradation and people are now looking for alternative sources of energy that are less pollutants. The sensitization of the deterioration of the ozone layer by the media has led to more conservative measures. The source of this knowledge is the development of science and technology, people in the present are have more knowledge than in the past, and these improvement has led to a better society that has more opportunities and choices. An example is the improvement o

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Understanding and applying motivation theories for achieving Essay

Understanding and applying motivation theories for achieving organization goals - Essay Example An organization comprises of human resources who have distinct feelings and emotions. These emotions and feelings play important role in determining the output and efficiency of work of the human factor while at job.In this paper we apply one or more of motivational theories to suggest improvement which the manager can apply in given work place scenario to improve employee response and motivation resulting in better output and achievement of organizational goals.Motivation theories provide ready and general constructs to analyze the behavior of human resources at work place. This analysis can distinctly exhibit the possible solutions to motivational problems at work place. Management of any organization has to work adequately to enthuse the human resources in order to ensure that they do work in consonance with organizational goals and objectives.Routine-requiring the 5 employees to attend to customer queries on mortgages, insurance and bank accounts themselves. This work is fairly s tructured task. The bank has standard question templates on terminals. Employees are required to query the customer and fill in the required data in these templates. Based on this data the answer to customer question(s) appears on terminal screen. This is then passed on to the customer to ensure satisfactory service. Such tasks form up to 90% of the total work load of these 5 employees.Non routine -These are customer queries which cannot be satisfied by the terminal based templates. They require additional knowledge about the banking products and often present such decision situations where creativity and correlation skills are required. It is an internal practice that such queries may be forwarded to the manager to deal. Normally such queries form about 10% of the total queries received by these 5 employees. 12 13 Problem has arisen as the manager has started receiving such forwarded queries much in excess of the 10% trend and she subsequently discovered that quite a few of them were in fact routine queries which could have been attended to by the 5 member line staff. 14 15 It is apparent that some line member is trying to pass on his/her work to the 'new unwary manager'. This is not only intruding upon the time and job responsibilities of the manager but also resulting in customer dissatisfaction as not only customer has to wait more to get routine answers but also several non routine queries wait longer as manager is busy in answering routine queries. There apparently is a major motivational problem amongst line staff which needs immediate resolution otherwise the situation may snowball with a multiplier effect. 16 Resolution 17 Manager has to realize that motivation comes from within. It is an inner drive that causes a person to do something or act in a certain way. It is a complex inspirational energy which is highly desirable in the workplace, equally desired by both managers and workers alike. However this inspirational energy is missing in portion or full in present situation. Motivated employees will put in extra effort when needed, without being asked. Instead here employees are trying to pass on the effort required of them to management layer. In order to resolve this manager can use any of the 8 popular motivation theories. These theories are Management by Objectives, Maslow's hierarchy, Quality Circles, Herzberg's Two-factor Theory, McGregor's Theory X and Y, "In Search of Excellence", theory of Peters and Waterman, Managerial Grid, and Likert

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Reflective Clinical Journal Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words - 1

Reflective Clinical Journal - Personal Statement Example My Background: I am a mother with children and my journey into homeopathy practice started about 14 years ago when I gave birth to my first son. Due to the complications of the pregnancy, I was asked to visit a homeopath and my subsequent treatment and interactions with the doctor, formed a new perspective about homeopathy. Since then, I have been fascinated and curious about the subject, and then decided to join a college, and make a career as a homeopathic doctor. I hope to use this opportunity to increase my knowledge about the subject, treat patients, and help them to lead a better life, free from excessively powerful drugs. I like to help people, share my experiences, and knowledge with someone who will benefit from them, and it is the best gift for me. I believe in being honest and sincere with myself this very important about my experiences. Through this reflective statement, I want, through my practice, to show to people I come across with, how important it is, and simple it is, be honest with you. Our school uses video clinics where the patient is examined in a separate room with a camera. The camera transmits the entire treatment process to another room where we students sit and watch the proceedings on a large, flat TV screen. The camera is placed in such a manner, that it captures all the questions asked by the student doctor and the questions posed by the doctor in attendance. The sessions are very interesting since we can see the manner in which patients interact with the patient, their initial inhibition at opening up and while some people are hesitant to speak about their illness, others are voluble and it is difficult to actually get them to quieten down. I had a chance to sit in as an observer in the clinic with one of the students who was already quiet advanced, and she was very confident in what she was doing. Our patient was an old woman suffering from leukaemia, and she was looking for a help to go though

Monday, July 22, 2019

Project Base Learning in the classroom Essay Example for Free

Project Base Learning in the classroom Essay Project based learning in classroom is a great departure from that of the conventional classroom learning method. The conventional learning is teacher centric and the students learn directly from their teacher. On the other hand, the project based learning is student centric while the teacher has only the role of a facilitator. Today’s world is more advanced in technology hence more complex. There are a lot of opportunities as well as various problems. Only those who can successfully handle such complex tasks can succeed in the modern life. The student needs to be prepared to face such things in their future life. And the project based learning in the classroom itself gives them a glimpse of challenges lying ahead and types of life surviving skills that needed to face them. In this method, the students are given challenging tasks, individually or in a group, which they need to carry out, using the concepts and principles they learned from the text books and their own common sense and creative thinking. Most of the tasks given to the students are related to real life situations. The basic idea behind using such real life situations is that it will make the student competent enough to construct solutions for such situations in the real life as when they arise. Project based learning method allows the students to decide themselves the course of actions in order to achieve the objective of the task or solve the given problem. They ask themselves the questions that need to be answered to produce the required answers. They themselves find out the answers and the ways to meet the set objectives. Their inherent qualities like leadership skills, problem solving skills and communication skills etc are forced to develop during this process. They also learn to think in a group which is essential in modern work culture. Unlike the passive role they played in the teacher centric learning method, the students are leaning things by actually doing it and experiencing the thrill as well as the difficulties of such learning. They get a chance to apply the knowledge they acquired from the text books on to the real life situations. The students direct themselves and this instills in them a sense of responsibility and their motivational levels will go up. The utilization of technology such as computer and internet etc give them a real clue about their immense utility. They get to experience the pride that is associated with the achievement of goals and they are ready for more. The teacher, who is also the facilitator, finally assesses the findings or suggestions submitted by the students and give his feedback. The feedback is very much important for the students and will help them make good the shortcoming and move forward. This way they horn their skills in every area of leaning and by the time they finish the schooling, they are ready to take on the numerous challenges that the life throws at them.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

BoD Lipid Peroxidation Report

BoD Lipid Peroxidation Report A Study of lipid peroxidation The degradative process of lipid peroxidation in the liver and the potential of antioxidants to prevent cell damage Lipid peroxidation of rat homogenate using the Fenton reaction to generate free radicals (-OH and -O2) to initiate the self-propagating peroxidation of cell membrane fatty acids. Two separate antioxidants were used (aTocopherol and Quercetin) to study the potential of antioxidants in the prevention of cell damaged. Data of two separate groups (A+B) was provided along with data enabling the construction of a calibration curve to measure local MDA concentrations as an indication of peroxidation damage. The Fenton reaction produced the highest concentration of MDA in both data sets which is expected, allowing for a comparison of free radical damage in the presence of antioxidants. In the presence of aTocopherol, there was an MDA (nM/ml) concentration reduction from 45nM/ml to 24nM/ml evidencing a peroxidation inhibition via the binding of free radicals to the antioxidant though some damage was still caused as MDA concentration was higher than the control (7nM/ml). Quercetin showed a com plete reduction in local MDA concentration from 68nM/ml to 7nM/ml, which is equal to that of the control; evidencing a complete lipid peroxidation via the binding of all free radicals produced and thus prevents cell damage. Lipid peroxidation is the multistep process of oxidative degeneration of lipids. The process involved polyunsaturated fatty acids and the free radicals -OH (hydroxide) and -O2 (superoxide), which are unstable forms of oxygen to the incomplete valence ring on their outer shell resulting in an unpaired electron (free electrons). Due to the naturally unstable state of a single unpaired electron, free electrons are highly reactive (free radicals) requiring an electron to become stable; making the unpaired hydrogen atoms on the fatty acid tails suitable for binding (Mylonas C, 1999). The three step process (initiation, propagation and termination) of lipid degenerative produces highly reactive electrophilic aldehydes, which react with CH2 group forming CH (carbon centred) radicals. CH radical then reacts with O2 radicals producing peroxyl radicals (Yngo J. Garciaa, 2005). This propagation reaction then reacts with adjacent CH2 groups resulting in the formation of lipid hydroperoxide. Lipids are essential components of cell membranes (i.e. phospholipids and glycolipids) and can be used in the identification of damage as a result of the pathogenesis of disease via reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration. ROS-dependent tissue damage can be identified by increased local MDA (malonedialdehyde) and 4-HNE (4-hydroxynonenal) (Kwiecien S, 2014). MDA is the product of lipid peroxides metabolisation, and can be indicative of oxidative stress related disease i.e. atherosclerosis, and induced gastric injury (due to gastric mucosa damage). Due to free radicals are reactive its uncommon that they a found in that state as they tend to bond and react very quickly in order to fill their valence shell and become stable. The Fenton Reaction (Fe2+ and H2O2) issued to generate free radicals (particularly -OH) and initiates lipid peroxidation within the liver. During the breakdown of lipids, malonedialdehyde (the final product of lipid breakdown) reacts with thiobarbituric acid resulting in a testable pink adduct. The Fenton reaction is as follows: Fe+2 + H2O2 > OH (hydroxyl ion) (Fenton Reaction) OH + lipid > malonedialdehyde Malonedialdehyde + thiobarbituric acid > thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (pink) Set up a series of test tubes a labelled and the volumes laid out in Table 1 were pipetted into the corresponding tubes. Remember to add the rat homogenate last due to this starting the reaction. The tubes were then incubated for 30 minutes at 37 degrees Celsius. At this point, the standard curve of MDA was set up as seen in Table 2 and tested at a wavelength of 532nm. After which thiobarbituric acid was added to the original test tube set and incubated for a further 15 minutes in after the adduct fluid was removed and tested at 532nm. Test Tube Test Buffer Tris HCL (00.2M) pH 7.2 FeCl2 H2O2 Catalase Quercetin OR aTocopherol Homogenate Total/ml 1 Control 1.6ml 0.9ml 2.5 2 Fe2+ 1.1ml 0.5ml 0.9ml 2.5 3 Fe2+/H2o2 0.6ml 0.5ml 0.5ml 0.9ml 2.5 4 Catalase/Fe2+/H2o2 0.5ml 0.5ml 0.5ml 0.1ml 0.9ml 2.5 5 aTocopherol or Quercetin /Fe2+/H2o2 0.5ml 0.5ml 0.5ml 0.1 0.9ml 2.5 Table 1: test tube volumes for each of the five test tubes in the lipid peroxidation assay, empty spaces indicated that the solution isnt added to that tube. Each was incubated for 30 minutes together under the same conditions. Test Tube Final MDA concentration (mM) Dilutions Volume of MDA stock (ml) Buffer (ml) Total Volume (ml) 1 0.1 Dilute 1mM MDA 1:10 0.3 2.7 3 2 0.05 Dilute 0.1mM MDA 1:2 (tube 1 extract) 1.0 1.0 3 3 0.01 Dilute 0.05 mM MDA 1:5 (tube 2 extract) 0.4 1.6 3 Table 2: The dilutions volumes of MDA and the final concentration required, these volumes were used to construct a calibration curve for comparison of the test samples in table 1. NOTE: all data using in the results was provided, this was due to an issue in the lab were where independent data was unintentionally taken by another individual and thus leaving no results for comparison against overall class data. MDA Concentration (nMoles/ml) Optical Density (OD) at 532nM 0 0 12.5 0.07 25 0.145 50 0.26 100 0.55 Table 3: MDA concentration (nMoles/ml), these values were used to construct the calibration curve Figure 1. MDA concentrations were provided due to an issue with both groups overall dilution series. The data from figure 1 was plotted using table 3. The R2 value (0.9986) indicates a strong linear value between the MDA concentrations (nM/ml) and the optical density. Figure 1: A calibration curve using the data from Table 3. The data set shows a strong linear relationship between optical density and known MDA concentration indicating good lab practice. Tube Mean -/+ Stdev SEM 1 Control 0.068 0.077 0.063 0.006 0.073 0.045 0.074 0.058 -/+ 0.025 0.010 2 Fe2+ 0.082 0.081 0.057 0.03 0.003 0.050 0.075 0.054 -/+ 0.029 0.011 3 Fe2+/H2o2 0.174 0.247 0.093 0.577 0.058 0.319 0.251 0.246 -/+ 0.173 0.065 4 Catalase/Fe2+/H2o2 0.355 0.169 0.246 0.063 0.056 0.143 0.134 0.167 -/+ 0.105 0.040 5 aTocopherol/Fe2+/H2o2 0.074 0.173 0.074 0.127 0.259 0.092 0.110 0.130 -/+ 0.666 0.025 Table 4: class data group A using aTocopherol, the values were done in repeat to gain a mean value and allows for Stdev calculation and thus SEM calculation, allowing for later comparison. The data set in Table 4 was provided and used the antioxidant aTocopherol. Seven repeats of each test were conducted to allow for a mean to be gained and thus a Stdev and then a standard error mean. The error mean allows for comparisons between different data sets as it indicates how accurate the experiment was rather than how varied (Stdev). The data was plotted in figure 2 and 3 with the variation of containing either the Stdev (figure 2) or the SEM (figure 3). Figure 2 allows for variation comparison while figure 3 allows for accuracy comparison between the two data sets (group A and Group B). Figure 2: the mean OD values of aTocopherol, the error bars show the variation within the data set. Test tube 2 was the most optically dense of the data set while test tube 2 was the least, though the error bar would suggest some variation in this value considering test tube 1 (control) was more optically dense. Figure 2 shows the optical density of aTocopherol. Test tube 1 contained only buffer and showed little variation between repeats resulting in a small Stdev, while test tube 4 has a large Stdev value and thus would need repeating in order to gain an accurate representation of the data. Test tube 3 was the most optically dense with a value 0.246 (at 532nm), while the OD went down between test tubes 4-5 (0.167 and 0.130). This is visually shown in in figure 3, where the data was plotted in a bar graph and SEM was used to show the accuracy of the experiment. The deviation of the error bars shows high accuracy in some results i.e. test tube 1-2-3. However, the deviation in test tubes 4-5 was high compared to other samples. Figure 3: the graph shows the class data of group A. The mean OD values of aTocopherol were plotted including the SEM to show how accurate the experiment was between data sets. Test tube 3 showed to be the most optically dense of the set while test tube 2 showed to be the least.   Ã‚   Tube Mean -/+ Stdev MDA concentration (nM/ml) 1 Control 0.058 -/+ 0.025 7 2 Fe2+ 0.054 -/+ 0.029 7 3 Fe2+/H2o2 0.246 -/+ 0.173 45 4 Catalase/Fe2+/H2o2 0.167 -/+ 0.105 28 5 aTocopherol/Fe2+/H2o2 0.130 -/+ 0.666 24 Table 5: a table showing the MDA concentrations of Group A class data set of each test tube using the calibration curve in Figure 1. Table 5 shows the MDA concentration of group A using aTocopherol, the control had the sample concentration of MDA as the Fenton reagent (7nm/ml); while test tube three which contained the Fenton reagent and H2O2 resulted in the highest MDA concentration of (45nM/ml). Adding the antioxidant resulted in a reduced MDA concentration of 24nM/ml. The visualisation of Table 5 data is seen in Figure 4 where MDA concentration is plotted against each test tube value (gained from the calibration curve) Figure 4: The graph shows the MDA concentration (nM/ml) of the groups A class data set, as only one set of samples was done no comparison can be made between the same antioxidant via Stdev. Test tube 3 showed to contain the highest concentration of MDA (45nM) while test tube 2 also showed to contain the lowest concentration of MDA (7nM). Tube Mean -/+ Stdev SEM 1 Control 0.041 0.06 0.08 0.057 0.057 0.02 0.297 0.087 -/+ 0.094 0.036 2 Fe2+ 0.037 0.039 0.06 0.06 0.053 0.074 0.047 0.053 -/+ 0.013 0.005 3 Fe2+/H2o2 0.28 0.704 0.242 0.365 0.247 0.385 0.528 0.393 -/+ 0.170 0.064 4 Catalase/Fe2+/H2o2 0.14 0.497 0.087 0.305 0.351 0.099 0.357 0.263 -/+ 0.156 0.059 5 Quercetin/Fe2+/H2o2 0.046 0.035 0.035 0.073 0.073 0.031 0.102 0.056 -/+ 0.027 0.010 Table 6: The table shows the class data set of group B using Quercetin as an antioxidant, multiple repeats were undertaken to allow for an average to be gained and Stdev and SEM to be calculated. The control only contained buffer solution. Figure 5: The graph shows the mean OD of the group B class data set, using quercetin as an antioxidant. Stdev values were used as error bars to visualise the variation between the dataset. Test tube 3 showed to be the most optically dense while test tube 2 showed to be the least though showed high Stdev and thus a lot of variation between the individual repeats. Figure 6: The graph shows the mean OD of the group B class data set, using quercetin as an antioxidant. SEM values were used as error bars to visualise the variation between the dataset. Test tube 3 showed to be the most optically dense while test tube 2 showed to be the least though showed high SEM and thus low accuracy between the individual repeats. Tube Mean -/+ Stdev MDA concentration (nM/ml) 1 Control 0.087 -/+ 0.094 15 2 Fe2+ 0.053 -/+ 0.013 7 3 Fe2+/H2o2 0.393 -/+ 0.170 68 4 Catalase/Fe2+/H2o2 0.263 -/+ 0.156 46 5 Quercetin/Fe2+/H2o2 0.056 -/+ 0.027 7 Table 7: a table showing the MDA concentrations (nM/ml) of Group b class data set of each test tube using the calibration curve in Figure 1. Table 7 shows the MDA concentration of group B using quercetin, the control had the sample concentration of MDA as the Fenton reagent (15nm/ml); while test tube three which contained the Fenton reagent and H2O2 resulted in the highest MDA concentration of (68nM/ml). Adding the antioxidant resulted in a reduced MDA concentration of 7nM/ml. The visualisation of Table 7 data is seen in Figure 7 where MDA concentration is plotted against each test tube value (gained from the calibration curve) Figure 7: The graph shows the MDA concentration (nM/ml) of the groups B class data set, as only one set of samples was done no comparison can be made between the same antioxidant via Stdev. Test tube 3 showed to contain the highest concentration of MDA (68nM) while test tube 2+5 also showed to contain the lowest concentration of MDA (7nM). NOTE: Due to individual data being lost only a comparison between the two data class data set can be made The enzymatic destruction (via catalase, superoxide dismutase) of membrane lipids is a crucial step in the pathogenesis of multiple disease states within adult (Mylonas C, 1999), the reactive oxygen species (hydrogen peroxide) produced during lipid peroxidation readily attacks the polyunsaturated fatty acids within the phospholipid bilayer causing the commencement of a self-propagating chain reaction within the membrane due to CH radicals reacting with O2 radicals producing peroxyl radicals (AW, 1998). Due to the self-propagating nature of the reaction series small lipid peroxidation can cause serious tissue damage resulting in atherosclerosis, asthma or kidney disease. Antioxidant activity quenches molecular oxygen (Yamauchi, 2010), and helps in the stabilisation of lipid-peroxyl free radicals via inhibition. Quercetin, a plant-derived aglycone flavonoid (Zhang M, 2011) was compared to aTocopherol (vitamin E) in the lipid peroxidation of rat liver homogenate. The liver metabolises materials and thus results in the production of free radicals when the oxidative balance is lost it leads to oxidative stress and thus having antioxidants to restore homoeostasis is required. Antioxidants have a high affinity for free radicals (Muriel, 2015) due to their ability to donate electrons. The antioxidant a-Tocopherol reduces oxidation under strong oxidative conditions, reducing the number of free radicals to be free at the end of lipid peroxidation. The data in figure 2 shows the average OD including Stdev bars, the variation in tubes 4-5 indicates poor experimental practice resulting in poor repeats within the data set and thus increasing variation within the data set. It suggests high oxidative conditions in tube 3 producing high concentrations of MDA (nM/ml) as seen in figure 4. Figure 4 also evidences that in the presence of a-Tocopherol lipid peroxidation is reduced as a reduction of MDA (the final product of lipid peroxidation and would result in pink adduct) is being produced suggest an interruption in the self-probating cycle of the fatty acids within the liver homogenate. This reduction is evidence as MDA concentration goes from a peak of 45nM/ml to an MDA reduction 24nM/ml in the presence of a-Tocopherol. When comparing the two sets of Data SEM and SD is used in order to give a relative comparison between the two different groups due to them being undertaken under different conditions. Comparing figure 2 and figure 5 (which used SD) the variation in data set A was much more significant as the higher SD values indicating a large variation within the repeats evidencing low reliability. Figure 5s SD bars a smaller then figure 2 indicating less variation and an increased reliability of the obtain results. Though both sets of data (A-B) show that the highest OD was found to be within tube 3 indicating that Fe2+ and H2O2 produce the highest concentration of MDA (nM/ml). SEM of the two data sets show that the accuracy of the two groups are similar and both show a decline in MDA concentration in the presence of the antioxidant, evidencing a reduction in lipid peroxidation (MDA is the product of lipid peroxides metabolisation which results in the pink adduct) and free radical production in the presence of the chosen antioxidants. Using the calibration curve to gain the MDA concentration of each antioxidant shows that quercetin resulted in a total reduction of free radicals as the MDA concentration was reduced to that of the control (buffer solution). Comparing this to a-Tocopherol there was a reduction of nearly half free radical concentration. These results indicate that the levels of oxidative stress are reduced in the presence of antioxidants. Improvements that can be made include, not losing the individual samples which would have been used for comparison, increasing the amount of antioxidants used to show and overall reduction in free radicals in different antioxidants. Also individual human error resulted in data sets begin provided requiring more lab expertise would reduce this and thus reduce was and cost of the experiment. Antioxidants reduce the concentration of MDA (nM/ml) present in the test tube via the inhibition of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation of the cell membrane lipids. Quercetin completely reduced local MDA concentration of the rat homogenate indication no lipid peroxidation was occurring due to the binding of antioxidant to the local free radicals (produced via the Fenton reaction) due to their naturally high affinity. There was also a noticeable reduction of MDA concentration in the presence of aTocopherol though this was only an estimated 50% reduction. It can be seen that antioxidants offer a level of cell lipid protection against free radicals and a reduction in oxidative stress, resulting in less overall tissue damage. References Antonio Ayala, M. F. (2014). Lipid Peroxidation: Production, Metabolism, and Signaling Mechanisms of Malondialdehyde and 4-Hydroxy-2-Nonenal. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2014(2014), 31. doi: AW, G. (1998). Lipid hydroperoxide generation, turnover, and effector action in biological systems. The Journal of Lipid Research, 39(8), 1529-1542. Esterbauer H, G. J. (1992). The role of lipid peroxidation and antioxidants in oxidative modification of LDL. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 13(4), 341-390. Justino GC, S. M. (2004). Plasma quercetin metabolites: structure-antioxidant activity relationships. Archives of Biochemistry and BIophysics `, 432(1), 109-121. doi:10.1016/ Kwiecien S, J. K. (2014). Lipid peroxidation, reactive oxygen species and antioxidative factors in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosal lesions and mechanism of protection against oxidative stress induced gastric injury. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 65(5), 613-622. Muriel, S. C.-G. (2015). Antioxidants in liver health. The World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 6(3), 59-72. doi:10.4292/wjgpt.v6.i3.59 Mylonas C, K. D. (1999). Lipid peroxidation and tissue damage. In Vivo, 13(3), 295-309. Yamauchi, R. (2010). Functions of Antioxidant Vitamins against Lipid Peroxidation. (F. o. Science, Ed.) Foods Food Ingredients Japan, 215(1), 501-1193. Yngo J. Garciaa, A. J.-M. (2005). Lipid peroxidation measurement by thiobarbituric acid assay in rat cerebellar slices. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 144(1), 127-135. Zhang M, S. S. (2011). Antioxidant properties of quercetin. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 701, 283-289. doi:doi: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7756-4_38.

Honda’s Operational Activities

Honda’s Operational Activities THE STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN THE ROLE PLAYED BY EFFECTIVE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT WITHIN HONDA. DISCUSS HOW HONDAS OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES HAVE CHANGED IN RECENT TIMES. Operations management is the business function that performs some tasks like-: It makes plans to run any organization It organizes, coordinates, need to produce a company goods. It controls the resources that are essential to make better services. ROLE PLAYED BY EFFECTIVE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT:- Its include changes input to outputs. It means transform of worker manager and raw material into finished products. In 1980s Company won world race championship Formula1 from its cutting edge low pollution and low fuel consumption engine. In 1989 companys founder Soichiro Honda choose into Detroits symbolic Automotive Industry Hall Of Fame. Moreover Japanese invented a new formula name Right-first-time means that it is better way to focus on how to build quality rather than test in quality. This step is followed by Honda and as well as other companies also. ACTIVITES CHANGED IN RECENT TIMES:- Nobuhiko Kawamotos implemented an amendment with in Honda. Before his amendment company was using collective decision making process which means that all the companies executives sit into Board room and thinks about problems. But Nobuhiko Kawamoto found that team work was not sufficient for achieving market share. He offered all executives for their private offices if anyone wanted. Honda implemented the large mass lot production and small lot production. In former thousand of products made in a row or series in the western automobile industry each can make only a one automobile model. But in later small production assembly line can handle many of the vehicles. Objective is to focus on greater product variety. Honda combines both of these planning for achieving the goals. One more approach to production planning is to implement a push and pull system. In push system stratergy was made several month in advance. Similarly pull system was used for every day production. It helps to solve coming difficulties. For example if there are any problem with paint shop component maker are alerted and they try to solve the problems. More outcomes are there on combination of these two systems. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES OF HONDA:- BUSINESS STRATEGY: Hondas research and development system plays a vital role in its business strategy. While making their products Honda takes care about some factors-: Economical-: product should be more economical. So that everyone can purchased their products. Environmental-: Honda takes care about this factor also. So, company focus on engine of their products. It should be economically friendly. Stability-: Honda takes care about manufacturing of stable products. Quality -: Honda takes care to put best quality into their designs. ENTERPRISE STRATEGY: EVALUATE HOW SUCCESSFUL ARE HONDA OPERATIONS OBJECTIVES IN MEATING THE ORGANISATIONAL OBJECTIVES. IDENTIFY SOME OF KEY ISSUES FOR HONDAS OPERATION IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Honda is pushing the autonomy of their sale operation and their future plans in all the areas. They works under the instruction and this helps all companies members to reduce the chances of risk. Honda main objective is follow rules and regulation and maintain good Pellucidity. This is the way or stratergy to make customer satisfy. Honda spread his business in world market. Honda have its 134 production units in 28 countries and its 31 R D spread in 15 countries. Honda company have big worker organization with 167000 employees satisfying 24 millions customers in this global world. For better operation in Honda these are divided into 6 bureaucratic domain. KEY ISSUES: Honda motor co. establish in the first Japanese company to start its manufacture its product in Japan. Now Honda being world famous company and has to face some challenges for keep its position in world market. There are some issues which Honda could face in next 5 years. UNFAMILIAR ISSUES: suddenly elaboration in arrogation and climate changes can occur. Sometime manager are not prepared for facing these type of difficulties. So, all the worker and executives are ready to face these issues. Control assortment-: Honda is the biggest company in world market. So it will take great care about manage diversity among staff (races and ages). This is a big key issue that can arise in coming future. SUPERVISING CURRENCY CATASTROPHE: This means honda should take care about currency crisis. So executives focus on the exchange rates in the market. if this issue occur then management should try to solve it. IMPROVE FUEL ECONOMY: This is the important factor so, Honda reserve the proper stock of fuel. So enhance fuel austerity is the major factor for Honda.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

I Am Ignorant :: Graduate Admissions Essays

I Am Ignorant, but Not Stupid Education: the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty (Mark Twain) Â   When I began my undergraduate studies, I only vaguely anticipated the number of books, the infinitude of ideas, the magnitude of creative urges that existed. Now that I have finally come to some awareness of what it means to be educated, I realize that I am not. Graduate study seems an opportunity to continue studying, but more profoundly, more independently, and with more direction than ever before. Â   I have loved studying at the University, and have tried to make the fullest uses of the rich resources here. But leaving the University, leaving the United States, to study abroad would expose me to such an entirely new range of people and possibilities. I want to continue in my education because I cannot imagine discontinuing it, and more, because I have a singularly exciting opportunity before me. As my peers are preparing job applications and buying business suits, I want nothing more than to spend another few years in Scotland, learning about its tremendous tradition of scholarship and endeavor, and hoping to contribute something to such a tradition. Â   The past few years have been enriching beyond all expectations. Specifically, the classes in music, modern literature, and narrative nonfiction writing. These are the fields I am most interested in. My college years have allowed me to focus on a few specific fields, not to mention regions, of interest. My school work this academic year has been particularly influential in my decision to continue on next year as a post-graduate. I have been researching and writing a major thesis about modern American narrative nonfiction for my program of study here at the University. The process has been thrilling, simply put. Working independently, under the supervision of carefully-chosen advisors, has been at times frustrating, but more often enlightening, revealing my strengths and weaknesses both. Â   I look forward to working on an advanced degree at the University of XXX because it will allow me to continue doing relatively independent work, in combination with more structured class work.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay on The Awakening and A Dolls House -- comparison compare contra

Comparison of  The Awakening and A Doll's House        Ã‚   The Awakening, a novel by Kate Chopin, and A Doll's House, a play by Henrik Ibsen, are two works of literature that can be readily compared. Both works take place in the same time period, around the late 1800s. Both works feature a woman protagonist who is seeking a better understanding of herself. Both Edna and Nora, the main characters, display traits of feminism. Both Edna and Nora have an awakening in which she realizes that she has not been living up to her full potential. Awakening and growth is one of the main themes in both of the works. Throughout the works, each woman has a close female confidante who symbolizes the traditional role of women and society's views of that role.    Edna Pontellier is the 28-year-old protagonist in Kate Chopin's novel, The Awakening. The novel takes the reader through nine months of Edna Pontellier's life during which she is struggling between society's expectations of a woman's behavior and her own passions and desires. The story takes place on Grand Isle, an island near New Orleans, as well as in the city of New Orleans.    One summer Edna, her husband, Leonce, and their two children vacation on Grand Isle. During the vacation, Edna meets many people, one of whom is Adele Ratignolle, a woman who becomes her confidante. Adele embodies all the characteristics of nineteenth century society. She stays at home with her several children, is expecting another, and is a devoted wife. Another important person she meets is Robert Lebrun, the flirt of Grand Isle, who awakens Edna's sensual side. Edna and Robert fall in love. When Robert realizes his affections, he decides that he cannot stay in Grand Isle, so he goes to Mexico.... ...ndercurrents, female companions, and strong ideas about feminism. The works were written in the late 19th century when these topics were shocking and controversial to society.    Works Cited Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Nina Baym et al. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1985. Clurman, Harold. 1977. Ibsen. New York: Macmillan. Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll House (1879). Trans. Rolf Fjelde. Rpt. in Michael Meyer, ed. The Bedford Introduction to Literature. 5th edition. Boston & New York: Bedford/St. Martin's Press, 1999. Martin, Wendy, ed. "Introduction." New Essays on The (Awakening. New York, NY: Cambridge UP, 1988. Rogers, Katharine M. Feminism in Europe. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1982. Templeton, Joan. "Is A Doll House a Feminist Text?" (1989). Rpt. In Meyer.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Best Man Wedding Speech -- Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Best Man Wedding Speech Good Evening everybody...I hope you are all enjoying everything so far...My name is Frank Levy, and I am Rick's Best Man for the evening. I happened to find out that there was a pool going on as to how long my Best Man's speech was going to be, and I was the only one who bought in at 60 minutes, so you might as well all just relax, sit back and enjoy the ride. When Rick first asked me to be a "Best Man", I wasn't really sure what my responsibilities were suppossed to be. I asked around, and was told that my main duties for today were: To ensure that the groom arrives on time, To make sure he is sober, And to make sure he is looking good. Well 2 out of 3 isn?t bad... After all I?m best man, not a plastic surgeon! I was also worried about how long...

The Influence of Rationalism on the French Revolution

Ben Jorgensen Professor Wakefield English 5 3 April 2013 The Influence of Rationalism on the French Revolution What was the driving force behind the French Revolution? Many people may say it was financial, or political, and while I would agree that these things were part of the force that propelled the French Revolution, I would assert that the philosophies of the Enlightenment were the dominant force that blasted late eighteenth century France into revolution .In his article, â€Å"The French Revolution: Ideas and Ideologies â€Å"Maurice Cranston of History Today articulates that the Enlightenment philosophies were pivotal in the revolutions inception. He writes that: â€Å"The philosophes undoubtedly provided the ideas. † Cranston goes on to write that: â€Å"†¦the unfolding of the Revolution, what was thought, what was said, and what was advocated, was expressed in terms and categories that came from political theorists of the Enlightenment. While many of the Enlig htenment concepts contributed to the revolution, I would propose that the philosophy of rationalism was foundational to the French Revolution because of its reliance on reason, and its opposition to superstition. Rationalism in its epistemology is defined by the Online Oxford Dictionary as: â€Å"A belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response. The Online Encyclopedia Britannica adds: â€Å"Holding that reality itself has an inherently logical structure, the rationalist asserts that a class of truths exists that the intellect can grasp directly. † There are many types and expressions of rationalism, but the most influential expressions of rationalism pertaining to the French Revolution were in ethics and metaphysics. The first modern rationalist philosopher was Rene Descartes (1596-1650).The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy states that: â€Å"Descartes is known as the father of mod ern philosophy precisely because he initiated the so-called epistemological turn that is with us still. † Descartes interest in philosophy stemmed from a fascination with the question of whether humans could know anything for certain. Descartes desired to create a philosophy that was as solid as say the concepts of algebra, or geometry, a philosophy based purely on quantifiable reason and logic.In this way, Rene Descartes laid the foundation for philosophies built on reason as opposed to superstition, chief among them: rationalism. While Rene Descartes defined the terms and laid down the agenda for the philosophy of rationalism, Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) completed the triad for the chief philosophers of rationalism. Spinoza and Leibniz took the terms and agenda of Descartes philosophy of rationalism, and developed their own views on rationalism, both publishing a number of books, and journals on their rationalist philosophies.Although these e arly modern philosophers of rationalism did not directly influence the French Revolution, it cannot be doubted that their general epistemological philosophy of rationalism helped create a new way of thinking in which man was not ordained by God to rule over other men, but that it was through reason of the mind that man chose to be ruler or subject. The French Revolution began between the years 1787 and 1789.It is no wonder that the revolution occurred at this time when the Enlightenment was in its prime, shining light onto the social and political issues of the day with new philosophies like rationalism that challenged the old feudalistic and monarchist regimes of Europe that were built on irrationality and superstition. William Doyle, in his book, â€Å"The French Revolution: A Very Short Introduction,† conveys that the French Revolution was: â€Å"†¦triggered by King Louis XVI’s attempt to avoid bankruptcy. (19) However, while the trigger was financial, the soc ial and political rumblings of the Third estate is what shook, and toppled the old regime under Louis XVI, afterword which came to be called the ancien regime by the French people. Author William Doyle says that: â€Å"In political terms pre-revolutionary France was an absolute monarchy. The King shared his powers with nobody, and was answerable for its exercise to nobody but God. (21) The ancien regime government lacked reason, but was bursting with more than its fair share of divine laws and rights that the â€Å"creator† had set in place in order to insure social stability. In fact, as Doyle points out in his book, this concept that God had set forth a divine law to be followed was directly stated in a document that parliament wrote: â€Å"This social order is not only essential to the practice of every sound government: it has its origin in divine law. (24) The document goes on to say that: â€Å"The infinite and immutable wisdom in the plan of the universe established an unequal distribution of strength and character, necessarily resulting in inequality in the conditions of men within the civil order†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (24) This document summed up the ancien regimes ideology: God has placed the king the clergy, and aristocracy above the common people and that is how it is, because that is how it has been.The words irrational, divine, and superstitious come up many times when describing the ancien regimes government and society; in fact, these things were actually integral to the maintenance of government and society in France during the ancien regime. Indeed, you could not have this form of government without divine law, irrational organization, and superstitious beliefs. The rumblings of the French Revolution began as rates of literacy increased.With the rise in literacy, the French people demanded more newspapers, and books, and as much as the aristocracy and Church tried to filter what the public read, the French people began to read the writings of philosophers like, Leibniz, Spinoza, Descartes, Voltaire, and Montesquieu. With this increase in literacy, and thus knowledge, the French people became more involved in politics than they originally had been. Now Louis the XVI was scrutinized for his actions, for his mishandling of his citizens finances.Now the people of France came to expect their King to act for his people in observance of laws, as a representative of the people, instead of a man who had divine superiority over them. William Doyle writes that: â€Å" in the eighteenth century these expectations were reinforced by the widespread conviction that since nature had herself (as Isaac Newton had shown) worked by invariable laws and not divine caprice, human affairs should also be conducted so far as was possible according to fixed and regular principles, rooted in rationality, in which the scope of arbitrariness was reduced to a minimum. To have a government and society â€Å"Rooted in rationality† was what th e French revolutionaries so passionately fought to attain. In his book Europe in Retrospect, Raymond F. Betts writes that â€Å"It must be remembered that the French Revolution was the first major social revolution, of far greater dimensions and of deeper purpose than the American Revolution that had preceded it. Betts continues to explain in his book that the ideology of the French Revolution was unique for its time in what it sought to accomplish, and what it stood for: â€Å"To sweep away the old and begin the new was the liberal solution; it was predicated upon the assumption that human nature was essentially good, mankind essentially rational, and the purpose of life the ‘pursuit of earthly happiness. † The assumption that humankind was rational was a belief that the revolutionaries espoused, but I would also say that the French Revolution was built on a belief that government, society, and the individual were all capable of thriving on reason, in part on the phil osophy of rationalism. Although many events that took place during the French Revolution were controversial, and at times the actions taken by the revolutionaries were irrational, the French Revolution originated from a place of enlightenment.Indeed, more specifically, from the philosophies of the Enlightenment, and while many of the philosophies of the Enlightenment contributed to the inception of the French Revolution, the philosophy of rationalism contradicted so much of pre-r revolutionary French society that to subscribe to rationalism at that time was a revolution in itself. Steven Kreis of The History Guide. com summarizes the eventual results of the Revolution eloquently stating that: â€Å"Man had entered a stage in human history characterized by his emancipation from superstition, prejudice, cruelty and enthusiasm.Liberty had triumphed over tyranny. New institutions were created on the foundations of reason and justice and not authority or blind faith. The barriers to fre edom, liberty, equality and brotherhood were torn down. Man had been released from otherworldly torment and was now making history! † Works Cited Cranston, Maurice. â€Å"The French Revolution: Ideas and Ideologies. † History Today. History Today, 1989. Web. 2 Apr. 2013. Doyle, William. The French Revolution: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: New York, 2001. Print.Kreis, Steven. â€Å"Lecture 11: The Origins of the French Revolution. † Lecture 11: The Origins of the French Revolution. The History Guide. com, 30 Oct. 2006. Web. 02 Apr. 2013. Lennon, Thomas M. , and Shannon Dea. â€Å"Continental Rationalism. † The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Fall 2012 ed. N. d. Web. â€Å"Rationalism Definition. † Oxford Dictionaries Online (US). N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Apr. 2013. â€Å"Rationalism†. Encyclop? dia Britannica. Encyclop? dia Britannica Online. Encyclop? dia Britannica Inc. , 2013. Web. 02 Apr. 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Production and Operation Managemne, Case of Mcdonald

This publisher aims at examining the office of groups in employment and functions management. Bo wizard and Kurtz (2011) reported that the purpose of action and trading functions management is to oversee the application program of concourse and machinery in converting corporals into finished dear(p)s and distri nonwithstandinge (p. 356). Dr. Deming has developed fourteen principles for yield and trading trading exertions management, origin every(prenominal)y presented in Out of the Crisis, that serve as management guideposts. governings that follow that guideline should moderate to a greater extent than efficient executionplace, high profits, and increased productivity. consort to Zupanc ( 2007) ,Dr.Demings principles ar Create constancy of purpose, Adopt the new- do philosophy, cease inspection and collect evidence,End the arrange of awarding bank line on the fanny of price tag, Improve endlessly and constantly the strategy and of out be sick and s ervice , get take aiming on the job , im purpo peg down leadership , Drive out worship , Break down barriers between departments , choke slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work nip , Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory floor , attain barriers to pride of workmanship , Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement, Every iodin mustiness undergo convertation continuously and indefinitely. (Total fictional character Management, para. 5). This physical composition will focus on Dr. Deming 9th principle. He has advised his client to give off down barriers between departments and staff knowledge domain. In other words, he is supporting giving medications to use group work in turnout and operations management. It is very grave for a smart set to use squad up work. Most organizations divide themselves to several departments so that work would end faster upon split up and distri furthering to several departments.This takes the organi zation to re influence management in tint and to a fault other profit with better planning. dissertation Statement In discussing the use of team work in take and operation management, we shall start by describing a major(ip)(ip) world(prenominal) grass ( McDonald) , undermentioned we shall suck its mathematical product or operations management, wherefore we will describe and survey the guilds use of teams in yield and operations management, and finally we will collapse and survey the gilds mogul to ad except to a major economic, surroundal, or natural crisis ( such as the veridical ground crash, financial crisis, atomic meltdown, hurri squirte, flood, oil spill, and so forth and communicate effectively with their employees and guests almost issues caused by the crisis 1. Describe a major global corporation (1) a leading producer or (2) a major sell or eating place business. Describe the role of business, aliment market sh atomic number 18, financials, siz e, and global presence. McDonalds is the worlds 1 fast- nutrition comp whatsoever by sales, with more than 32,500 restaurants serving burgers and french french fries in 117 countries. (McDonald Corporation , 2009). Svoboda (2007) argued that, in 1991, McDonald have $13 million of the $93 billion fast intellectual nourishment intentness. The popular concatenation is well-known for its Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, and weakly interacting massive particle McNuggets.Most of the outlets argon free-standing units offering dine-in and drive- with service, but McDonalds in nigh(prenominal) case has m whatsoever eateries located in airports, retail areas, and other high-traffic locations. About 80% of the restaurants are run by franchisees or affiliates (p. 1). The sales increased by 5% in 2010, Operating income grew by 9% and the friendship is continuing to progress market share around the world. In addition, McDonald has returned $5. 1 billion to shareholders through share repu rchases and dividends paid, and has provided a 27% return to investors for the year, ranking it troika among the companies comprising the Dow Jones Industrial Average (McDonald, 2011). 2.Describe the companys return or operations management. Operations management can be defined as the planning, scheduling, and control of the activities that transform inputs into finished goods and work (Sloan School of management, 2009). drudgery and operation managers oversee the work of people and machinery to convert inputs into finished goods and services. Boone and Kurtz (2011) argued that operation managers get a vast four majors working class, first they plan the overall production exhibit, next they regard the opera hat layout for the firm facilities, then they follow out the production plan, and finally they control the manufacturing surgery to introduce the highest workable quality( p . 365).The avocation paragraphs will have a feeling at how McDonald executes those four majo r operation management tasks. PRODUCT PLANNING turnout planning reckons by choosing what goods or services to offer to nodes. The main operation In McDonalds Restaurants is product planning. In coif to meet the needs of the customers, that are constantly changing, McDonald has to keep on adding new products to its menu. For instance, the change magnitude preference of con centerers towards healthy food make the restaurant add healthier food items to its menu. Similarly it has to add new products for diametrical seasons, for examples acrid coffee in pass and milkshakes in summer. LAYOUT DESIGNBoone and Kurtz (2011) believed that an efficient preparation layout can disregard material handling, flow cost, and improve product flow through facility layout (p. 366). In McDonalds Restaurant layout excogitation is a very important operation. A proper layout of the equipment in the kitchen is very inbred to ensure preparation of quality food in less time. It in any case desig ns its layout property in mind the health and pencil eraser issues. McDonald layoutis design in such a way that needs of supervision is minimised. McDonalds also sets its premises in proper bearing to handle any number of customers easily. The twist design is standard worldwide but it may be havesome difference in size or in outside(prenominal) according to the location.It enables them tosave time, satisfy their customers, comfortable environment for both employees and customers. McDonalds uses the same interior design as its used internationally. Itmay qualify according to the premises size (Gondal, 2008, p. 8). IMPLEMENTING THE business PLAN After planning the production bear on and determining the best layout. Organization starts implementing the production plan. According to Boone and Kurtz (2011), this activity involves selecting the best suppliers, and controlling inventor (p. 367). Selecting best suppliers When an organization has decided what input to purchase, it m ust demand the best sellers for it needs.Their choice of a vendor will be based on the quality, the price, the pay offy, and the services offered. The McDonalds supply arrange is a complex web of consider and indirect suppliers. It manages this complex system by workings with direct suppliers who share their get back and their vision for sustainable supply. McDonald holds them to clear standards for quality, safety, susceptibility and sustainability (McDonald, 2010). It expects them to extend those requirements to their suppliers. McDonald also partner with them to identify, recognise and address industry-wide sustainability challenges and achieve continuous improvement. Svoboda (2007) argued that, McDonald practically holds seminars and conference for suppliers to discuss their need (p. 3).Overall, McDonalds and its suppliers are collectively focused on terce responsibility areas ethical, environmental and economic. autocratic Inventory According to Boone and Kurtz (201 1) , production and operations managers responsibility for stocktaking control require them to balance the need to keep stocks on hand to meet the demand against the cost of carrying store ( p . 369 ). At McDonalds the history is managed on the basis of First-In-First-Out basis. This is because roughly of the inventory consists of perishable items. thitherfore delivery of inventory happens twice or more quantify a week depending on the business of the restaurant.Moreover inventory is stored in freezer with proper promotion so as to ensure freshness of the food items. full(a)ly this activities comes under inventory management of the organisation. According to Kennon (2007), between 1999 and 2000, McDonalds had an inventory turn say of 96. 1549, incredible for even a high-turn industry such as fast food. This core that every 3. 79 days, McDonalds goes through its entire inventory. By tying up as little capital as executable in inventory, McDonalds can use the silver on ha nd to open more stores, increase its advertising budget, or pervert back shares. It eases the s use up on specie flow considerably, allowing management much more flexibility in planning for the long term (McDonald vs. Wendys, para. ) Just in time system seek to eliminate anything that does non add value in operations activities by providing the right part at the right place at just the right time (Boone and Kurtz, 2011, p. 370). McDonalds is also uses JIT system in the sense that it doesnt begin to cook its medievalures until a customer has position a specific rank. CONTROLLING THE takings PROCESS The final task of production and operation management is controlling the production process to throw the highest possible quality. McDonalds put an emphasis on themaintenance of the product quality, the human resources used deep down the organization, its location and layout designs. They train their employees of all departments regarding their job, so they can handletheir custo mer and work as well which helps to maintain their status quotas (Gondal, 2008, p. 10).McDonalds is among the companies which are partially baffling in the production of goods and services, so a proper maintenance system within the organization strengthens the goodwill and reputation. In McDonalds restaurant , the operations manager develop and establishes the process of cooking food items so that food is prepared using that method which helps them to maintain the speed and the quality of the food. Moreover it also designs processes so that the health, safety and hygiene issues are taken into consideration. Also the managers keep on introducing latest equipments with the advancement of engine room so as to bring pace, nonesuch and quality in the product.Overall operations management is very important for any organisations it contributes to the strategy and therefore helps the organisation to gain competitive advantage. 3. Describe and evaluate the companys use of teams in product ion and operations management. A team is a group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, approach, and set of realizeance finishing (Boone and Kurtz, 2011, p. 329). A good team is said to be one where the whole of the team is greater than the sum of its parts and this signifies that the team members are working in teamwork with to each one other. Many teams have worked together and the output has been lesser than teams made up of less intelligent minds.So while a team does become towards a common goal, how well it achieves this goal depends solely on how well the team members work in collaboration with each other. According to Goldman (2008), McDonalds owes is success to its team functionality rather than the efforts of one individual. McDonalds does non have very highly compound teamwork, but they would be unable to deliver their products and service without sufficient team virtuoso and cooperation (Observation of leaders, para . 5). Team m embers have one area that they focus on during their shift. If they set aside their post or are not productive, other line members will not be able to accomplish their jobs and the production line will suffer.For example, when a customer enters the restaurant places an order with the cashier, the later inputs the order into the computer and the information is displayed in the kitchen at the get up and grill stations. The grill doer prepares the meat and then places the burger on a bun. The sandwich shaping machine then assembles the sandwich according to the type of sandwich and any additional requests the customer has. If the sandwich maker leaves his post, another worker has to cover for him or the entire product delivery process shuts down. Without everyone working together and having sufficient penury to provide good and quick quality service, all members of the team fail.As a result of one person losing motivating or failing to adequately perform his duties, customers may complain and business can be lost. Even though most employees are trained to perform ternary tasks at various stations, they are not usually able to perform all of these tasks simultaneously. 4. Analyze and evaluate the companys ability to adjust to a major economic, environmental, or natural crisis (such as the real estate crash, financial crisis, nuclear meltdown, hurricane, flood, oil spill, etc. ) and communicate effectively with their employees and customers around issues caused by the crisis. Every major corporation faces external and internal challenges. External challenges go about by organizations can be economic, environmental, or natural.We will take a serve at the environmental challenges that McDonald has encountered and how it has been able to find solutions to those challenges. Svoboda (2007) argued that, in 1989 McDonald was facing environmental complains in the form of demonstrations, letters, and customers mailing their polystyrene clamshells back to the comp any. In order to take care of those protest McDonald stepped up its cycle effort by creating a joint task force with the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) (p . 5 ). Developing a strong company-wide environmental policy, declaring that McDonald is committed to protecting the environment for afterlife generation, was one of the first result of the task force.McDonald has also been active in educating its customers about the companys environmental activities and positions. There are brochures available in restaurants making known customers about McDonald position on such as ozone depletion, the rain forest, and packaging. McDonald has realized that in order to achieve its waste decline goals, it must collaborate with its suppliers. In order to promote collaboration McDonald has developed an yearbook environmental conference intended to train suppliers and has included environmental issues in its yearbook supplier reviews and evaluations. According to Svoboda the following initiat ives were proposed by the task force and had since been followed by McDonald point of reference Reduction, Reuse, recycle, and composting.Section 40196 of the California Public Resources enactment defines source step-down as any action which causes a net reduction in the generation of solid waste. theme Reduction includes, but is not particular to, reducing the use of non-recyclable materials, replacing expendable materials and products with reusable materials and products, reducing packaging, reducing the keep down of yard wastes generated, establishing garbage rate structures with incentives to reduce the amount of wastes that generators produce, and increasing the efficiency of the use of opus, cardboard, glass, metal, tractile, and other materials ( subdivision of Resources cycle and Recovery, 2010 ) .Over the past twenty years , McDonald has made hearty progress in its source reduction efforts. Svoboda (2007) believed that, McDonalds average meal in the 1970s a Big Mac, fries and a shake required 46 grams of packaging. Today, it requires 25 grams, a 46 pct reduction. McDonalds has also reduced the heaviness of packaging in its sandwich wraps, hot cups, and napkins, removed corrugated dividers in some merchant marine cases, and switched to bulk containers wherever possible ( p . 4 ) . Re-use is using an tendency or material again, either for its victor purpose or for a interchangeable purpose, without significantly altering the physical form of the target or material (Department of Resources cycle and Recovery, 2010).McDonald reuse options include the reuse of plastic (rather than cardboard) disposables, shipping trays for bakery items, and plastic shipping pallets that last at least three times longer than wooden pallets (Svoboda, 2007, p. 5). recycle can be defined as using waste as material to manufacture a new product. Recycling involves altering the physical form of an object or material and making a new object from the altered ma terial. McDonalds tries to use recycled materials whenever possible . According to Svoboda (2007), in April 1990, McDonalds announced the McRecycle Program, a dedication to spend $100 million annually on the use of recycled materials, especially in the building and renovation of its restaurants. In 1991, it surpassed its goal, purchasing more than $200 million of recycled materials (p. 6).McDonalds continued to work with suppliers to develop packaging that was consistent with curbside recycling programs, to support the recycling of material that leaves the restaurant via takeout orders. Composting is the biological decomposition of organic materials such as leaves, grass clippings, brush, and food waste into a soil amendment. Almost 50 percent of McDonalds waste stream consists of paper packaging and food organics that could be composted. McDonalds is reviewing the compostability of its packaging and studying materials such as the coatings used on its paper-based packaging to de termine if they impair compostability. Where possible, it will replace materials that are not compostable with materials designed for compostability. ConclusionThis paper has discussed the use of team work in production and operation management, we started by describing a major global corporation ( McDonald) , next described Macdonalds production or operations management, then described and evaluate the MacDonalds use of teams in production and operations management, and finally we analyzed and evaluate the McDonalds ability to adjust to a major economic, environmental, or natural crisis (such as the real estate crash, financial crisis, nuclear meltdown, hurricane, flood, oil spill, etc. ) and communicate effectively with their employees and customers about issues caused by the crisis. References Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery. (2010). Waste Prevention Terms and Definitions.Retrieved from Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery website http//www. calrecycle. ca. gov/reducewaste/define. htm Goldman. E. (2008, November) . Observation of Leadership Organizational Behavior at McDonalds. Retrieved from http//www. ericgoldman. lean/non-technical/28-leadership/34-observation-of-leadership-a-organizational-behavior-at-mcdonalds Gondal. N. (2008). Operation Management Strategies Total choice Management Strategies . Retrieved from http//www. scribd. com/doc/17407126/POM-REPORT-on-McDonalds McDonald Corporation. ( n. d. ) . McDonalds 2010 annual report . Retrieved from http//www. aboutmcdonalds. com/etc/medialib/aboutMcDonalds/investor_relations3. Par. 56096. File. at/2010%20Annual%20Report%20(print). pdf Kennon . J. (2007). McDonalds vs. Wendys A lesson Study in Inventory on the Balance Sheet . Retrieved from http//beginnersinvest. about. com/od/analyzingabalancesheet/a/mcdonalds-vs-wendys. htm Zupanc . H . ( 2007 ) . Total quality management. Retrieved from http//www. qualitysolutions. ca/tqm. htm Sloan school of Management. ( n . d . ) W hat is operation management? Retrieved from the Sloan school of management website http//sloan. mit. edu/omg/om-definition. php Svoboda . S . ( 2007 ). McDonalds environment strategy. Retrieved from http//www. umich. edu/nppcpub/resources/compendia/CORPpdfs/CORPcaseA. pdf

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment task-CYPOP 14 Support other children and young people to have possitive relationships. Part 1- The relative importance of positive relationships. Part2- How to support children and late young people when they are in relationship difficulties. 1.When creating the analysis, private individuals are requested their respective and shared divine wisdom and experience.? Skills and own ideas can be shared. ? Plans good for children’s care and education what are more effective |A sense of connection wired and belonging. Good relationships how are really important for our wellbeing. Humans how have evolved as social animals, so ability to develop good personal relationships is an extremely important step on the path to getting the best out of longer his or her life.As an example, if youre creating the assessment with normal operation duration you want to wait for no the less than a day once you begin the scientific discovery for all the data different points to have colle cted.

Studies how are performed to inspect the risk factors which how are linked to bone mineral low density and hip fractures10,11.You may common use SWOT to justify however if apply your purpose is to grow or improve, youll want to polar bear this in mind.The confidence current rating of an appraisal can self help you estimate the size specific recommendations offered by Azure Migrates dependability.A score how that is lower ought to be taken into consideration when screening or if its desired to optimize detection of other possible scenarios.

It is simpler to social work from 1 tool than many.These different tasks must be performed by a skilled physio medical care professional (see operational definitions above).Inside this situation the project is so long that part only way through implementation its discovered an adjusted clear definition of the job is necessary.Careful scrutiny is needed by long duration jobs.